Knob Hill Disc Golf Course
The Knob Hill Disc Golf Course features
striking downhill shots and huff n’ puff approaches to some fast
greens. Many long, open and grassy fairways, a water hazard, and plenty of
hardwoods force accurate throws.
Baskets: 18 holes, DGA Mach III, A/B/C
Tees (Ratings): Red: Natural
(850) - White: Concrete (900) - Blue: Rubber (950)
Length: Red: 4,176 ft - White: 5,979 ft - Blue: 7,519 ft
Par: Red: 55 - White: 58 - Blue:
Baskets - 9 holes, Innova DISCatcher
Tees - Rubber flypads
Course Length - Red: 3,179 ft - White: 4,047 ft
Par - 35
Ratings - Red: 850 - White: 900
- Disc Golf